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|Mood: Good
|04.06.05 8:40 am
|Just adding

|Mood: Good
|08.01.04 12:16 pm
|The political and administrative division of Jebbet Bcharri in the Eighteenth Century: From around 1720-1730, Jebbet Bcharri kept the same division that will continue for two centuries till the French Mandate in 1920.
Hamadeh PeriodSheikhs PeriodVillages Governed
Hussein son of Abu Mohammad Issa Hussein HamadehSheikh Issa El-Khoury & Sheikh Hanna Al-DaherBesharreh, Aitou, Baz'oun, Deir Qannoubine
Abu Kassem son of Hussein Al Mashtoub HamadehSheikh Gerges Boulos DouaihyHadshit, Bekaakafra, Deir Qozhaya
Abu Nassif son of Hussein Al Mashtoub HamadehSheikh Gerges Boulos DouaihyEhden
???????Sheikh Gerges Boulos DouaihyHawka, Ser'el
Assaad son of Moussa Abu Mohammad Issa Hussein HamadehSheikh Abou Youssef EliasKfarsghab, Toula, Blawza, half of Karmsaddeh, half of Raskifa
Assaad son of Moussa Abu Mohammad Issa Hussein HamadehSheikh Abou Sleiman Youssef AwwadHasroun, half of Karmsaddeh, half of Raskifa
Abu Hussein Saleh son of Hussein Al Mashtoub HamadehSheikh Mikhaiil ShidiacAintourine, Ejbe'e, Bnashii
Abu Hussein Saleh son of Hussein Al Mashtoub HamadehKharbanaDeir Hantoura, Qnat, Berhalioun, Kfarsaroun, Bane

(from A Concise History of Mount-Lebanon by Sheikh Antonios Abi Khattar of Ain Tourine - Editor Dar Lahd Khater - Beirut 1983 - p. 139 and 2003)

|Mood: Good
|07.30.04 11:09 am
|The Hamadeh Rule of Jebbet Bcharri: According to AinTourini, the Hamadeh rule started in 1654. It is on the insistance of the inhabitants that the governor of Tripoli appointed as governor of Jebbet Bcharri the Sheikh Ahmad Hamadeh aged 16, known as Abou Zaazouhah, and cousin of the then governor of Jbeil and Batroun, Sheikh Sarhal Hamadeh. But the Hamadeh's link with the region seems to be older as they are cited as participating in the assasination of the last Sayfa Muqaddam of Bcharri in 1547 and of the last Ain Halia Muqqadam of Bcharri in 1573. But it is from 1654 and till 1759, that this family will play an important role in the development and the shaping of Jebbet Bcharri. (A Concise History of Mount-Lebanon by Sheikh Antonios Abi Khattar of Ain Tourine - Editor Dar Lahd Khater - Beirut 1983 - pp. 126 - 127 -143)

|Mood: Good
|05.22.04 12:54 pm
|North Lebanon Context in the Eighteenth Century:One of the first intelligent move of Abou Youssef Elias was to purchase Morh from Assaad Hamadeh in 1748. The Hamadeh at that time needed money, most probably and as was the case with them since the last Maans from the end of the Seventeenth Century. The money was used to bribe some Ottoman official and get back the farming of taxes in Jebbet Bcharri, most probably taken from them to the advantage of the men of the Prince Youssef Al Shihabi (dates to be checked).
The change in the property law in the mid 18th Century allowed acquiring land from the public property (Bakleek) or from the feudal lords (Ain Baqra in 1730's by the Lebanese Maronite Order from Issa Hamadeh, MarShina Kfarzayna from Al Daher Family in 1781, ...). (to be studied)
Abou Youssef Elias profited from these changes to acquire land and extend his properties.
The other important factor that merits studying is the relation between Abou Youssef Elias and the 'Awwad of Hasroun especially at a period where one of the 'Awwad was patriarch (Ya'acoob 'Awwad 1705-1733).
He also profited from the desire of Youssef Al Shihabi and the governor of the iyalat of Damascus-Tripoli to kick-out the Hamadeh from Mount Lebanon and to reduce their power (and exactions). (To be studied)


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